My Family, My Team
By the nature of my job I travel a lot. I spend hours in airports, hotels and random restaurants. As I sit at the gate this morning contemplating why I booked a flight that leaves before Starbucks opens, I’m reflecting on how blessed I am. I love the work I do but I don’t do it alone, it takes a team. My husband is a true partner, he manages all of the parts and pieces while I’m gone. Now don’t misunderstand me, he’s not a saint, this is not a sacrifice for him nor should he get a merit badge when the kids get to school on time or he throws a braid in the girls hair, but he is an amazing dad, husband and partner. Most of our marriage we worked opposite shifts to take care of our family. This was not always easy, often he would get home far after we’d gone to sleep and when I travel he’s up again 4 hours later. When he had the cart there were weeks that we both traveled opposite days. This lifestyle required us to give each other a little slack-I accept that he lets the kids dress themselves and that may mean pajamas at the grocery store and he understands that I sometimes need a certain degree of crazy, especially when people are coming over. When you have a large family everyone pitches in and does their part. Our kids help one another, Jr. will brush Savannah’s hair, Marley will keep everyone in order reminding them what they need to do (including Jeff and I) and if Skylar is home she makes sure everything and everyone is on track. There’s a certain degree of chaos that ensues in the morning at our house but everyone knows the goal and pulls together. I’d say that isn’t different than most restaurants. The crazy and the chaos with a little order and lots of teamwork. Our kids are already wondering how they can help with Nipote’s, where they can pitch in. Marley and Savannah have been learning to make pasta and Jr. wants to help bus tables. I’m hoping Skylar can teach Jeff to master Instagram!
Marley & Savvy J love to be in the kitchen
As for me, I am blessed to be Jeff’s partner, we have and will continue to support one another in everything we do. That doesn’t mean we don’t drive each other crazy or when we’re running late standing in the kitchen and someone is crying, someone is poking, someone is wearing the afrocircus wig and pjs instead of church clothes and the dog is barking that Jeff and I don’t snap at each other-I’ve been known to bark more than Poko some mornings. The thing is, we lean in, we partner up, we reign it in and love one another, not despite the crazy but because of it. These chaotic mornings, the travel, the things we’ve learned supporting one another through our trials and adventures were lessons that will prepare us for this new journey.
This pic is 4 years old but still true today!
Starting a restaurant is no small feat, especially when you’re building it from scratch...but we know how to work together under pressure, under stress and how to see through the chaos, to the eye of the storm and see the magic in the moment.
A rare quiet moment...