Here's to new beginnings
Well friends we are making progress and sometime next week much of the building will come down. Despite the fact that the building is in shambles it makes me a little sad. This building, in its glory was someone else’s new beginning. When they laid the foundation over 100 years ago in the 1800's someone dreamed that it would build their future. That’s the part of me that walks the building in awe, thinking about its history. If we were able to salvage it, we would. Jeff and I love this city and it’s rich heritage. The building was Muskegon Auto Parts and there are small signs of its history throughout it. We’ve asked the demo team to keep the beautiful fire door in the basement, we saved the bricks that we could, we’ve salvaged part of the foundation and today my husband and his friends spent 45 minutes prying an old Dodge hubcap out of the brick chimney. The funny part is that there was a hole behind it so it likely served a purpose at one point. We hope to incorporate these pieces into Nipote’s design to honor the history of the space that we will build our future on. So when you visit, keep your eyes open for our hidden gems. But for now, celebrate with us this week as one building collapses and makes room for another to rise up!